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Tomb of the Bulls

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About Tomb of the Bulls

The Tomb of the Bulls is an Etruscan tomb within the Necropolis of Monterozzi near Tarquinia, Italy. It become observed in 1892 and has been dated back to either 540–530 BC or 530–520 BC. According to an inscription Arath Spuriana reputedly commissioned the development of the tomb. It is named after the 2 bulls which seem on one of its frescoes. It is the earliest instance of a tomb with complicated frescoes within the necropolis. Like different Etruscan tombs, it'd firstly have contained many grave goods, specially Etruscan pottery, now removed. The entrance to the tomb results in the main chamber.

The again wall of the primary chamber is opposite to the entrance and contains doors that cause two different chambers. Frescoes with brightly coloured animals enhance the gabled areas at the pinnacle of the front and back partitions of the chambers. These encompass bulls, birds, hippocampi, a panther, a lion and a goat. The lower back wall of most important chamber is the only wall with frescoes painted beneath the gable.

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