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Castle of Meudon

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About Castle of Meudon

The Castle of Meudon, likewise called the regal stronghold of Meudon or supreme royal residence of Meudon, was a French chateau in Meudon in the Hauts-de-Seine. On the edge of a lush level, the stronghold offers perspectives on Paris and the Seine, just as of the valley of Chalais. In a perfect world situated among Paris and Versailles, in the core of a copious chasing save, and with a perfect geology for expansive patio nurseries, it has been terrifically masterminded by its progressive proprietors from the renaissance until the fall of the 2n French empire. It ought not be mistaken for the Chateau de Bellevue, likewise in Meudon.

Prominent past inhabitants incorporate the Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly Duchess of Etampes, the Cardinal of Lorraine, Abel Servien, Francois Michel Le Tellier Marquis de Louvois, and Louis, Grand Dauphin, known as Monseigneur, who connected the palace of Chaville to the Chateau de Meudon. The Chateau-Vieux Old Castle torched in 1795 and was revamped as the Chateau-Neuf New Castle, which thusly torched in 1871. Decimation was considered, yet a large portion of the chateau was saved and from 1878 turned into an observatory with an astronomical telescope, at that point was connected to the observatory of Paris in 1927. The whole area of Meudon has been named a chronicled landmark since 12 April 1972.

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