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Badalona Museum

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About Badalona Museum

Badalona Museum, opened in 1966, one can visit the remaining parts of the Roman city of Baetulo underneath the building, where there are showers, some portion of a street and a gathering of shops. In 2010, the decumanus site, with stays from the Cardo Maximus and the Decumanus Maximus, different shops or tavernae and three insulae, turned out to be a piece of the visit, alongside the lasting presentation which portrays the principal settlements recorded in Badalona ancient times, the Iron Age and Iberian culture and the history and attributes of Roman Baetulo, with exceptionally essential pieces the pivots, the Venus of Badalona, the Tabula hospitalis, the earthenware vessel Vas de les Naus, the representation of Agripina and three Iberian steles.

The Museum likewise has an accumulation wealthy in archeological materials from the unearthings it does, and furthermore moderates an incredible assortment of items from different times of craftsmanship, regular day to day existence, makes, industry, and so forth., which offer declaration to the historical backdrop of the city.

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