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Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren

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About Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren

The Onze-Lieve-Vrouwetoren is a church tower in Amersfoort. The Late Gothic building is ninety eight.33 metres tall and reaches high above the internal town. It is one of the maximum beautiful monuments in town and the third highest church tower within the Netherlands. The nickname of the tower is Lange Jan. The church that belonged to the tower became destroyed with the aid of a gunpowder explosion within the 18th century. The first chapel on website online become constructed on this website within the 14th century. In the fifteenth century the chapel changed into replaced by new church with 3 aisles.

When the tower become built isn't always precisely recognised. Construction commenced round 1444 and became completed around 1470. The legitimate documents of the development were destroyed by means of the Protestants in 1579 for the duration of the reformation and the following iconoclasm. The church and tower had been taken over by means of the Protestants and now not belonged to the Catholics.

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