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Forte Sangallo

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About Forte Sangallo

Forte Sangallo, also referred to as the Fortezza di Nettuno, is a Renaissance fortification constructed on the Tyrrhenian Sea, inside the historical village of the City of Nettuno, in the south of Rome. The fortification is a very popular visitor destination today with is well-preserved antique area with slender streets and small squares. Forte Sangallo turned into built in 1501 by Pope Alexander VI and his son Cesare Borgia. The undertaking is attributed to the Renaissance architect Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, a true expert in warfare fortifications. The citadel turned into tasked to guard the city of Neptune of a likely assault by sea; on the time Nettuno changed into taken into consideration as the "breadbasket of Lazio".

A lovely drawbridge offers get admission to to the internal court docket graced through an arcade of spherical arches. After the House of Borgia, over the centuries, Forte Sangallo first passes to the Colonna family, then to the Apostolic Camera and from the nineteenth century to the Borghese family. In 1931, the citadel belonged to baron Alberto Fassini. Among its guests Forte Sangallo also hosted Queen Marie of Romania and Princess Ileana of Romania, in 1931. In 1997, Forte Sangallo became received by using Nettuno Council.

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