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Hoge Kempen National Park Trip Packages
Hoge Kempen National Park Trip Packages

Hoge Kempen National Park

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About Hoge Kempen National Park

The Hoge Kempen National Park Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen is the primary National Park in Flanders, Belgium. It is located inside the East of the Province of Limburg, among Genk and the Meuse River Dutch: Maas Valley. It consists of the elevated floor that defines the watershed among that river and the low floor of the drainage basin of the Demer river that covers most of Belgian Limburg. It turned into opened om Sunday 29 March 2006. Covering almost 60 rectangular kilometres, it bureaucracy a part of the Natura 2000 community. The place is primarily heathland and pine forest.

It became first hooked up in 1990 in the Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland as a part of a revolutionary coverage to increase nature reserves in Flanders. In May 2011 it changed into placed on UNESCO's Tentative List for attention as a World Heritage website online. On 23 March 2012, the 9 municipal councils, the Province of Limburg and the Flemish government signed a letter of cause to aid the application of the Hoge Kempen National Park for recognition as UNESCO World Heritage.

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