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Church of Santo Domingo de Guzman

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About Church of Santo Domingo de Guzman

The Church and former monastery of Santo Domingo de Guzman is a Baroque ecclesiastical constructing complex in Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. The complex includes a huge sanctuary and an extensive device of courtyards, cloisters and rooms that formerly constituted the monastery. The rooms that previously constituted the monastery now residence the Cultural Centre of Oaxaca, which become founded with the assist of Oaxacan-born artist Francisco Toledo. This museum consists of an essential series of pre-Columban artefacts, among them the contents of Tomb 7 from the close by Zapotec site of Monte Alban.

The former monastery lawn is now an ethnobotanical lawn, containing a massive collection of vegetation native to the region. The entrance to both church and museum is throughout a huge plaza that acts as a center for neighborhood fiestas and different entertainments. It is located approximately half of a kilometre north of the vital squares of the city, the Zocalo and the Alameda, and the connecting street is pedestrianised, so it's far a popular place for both travelers and neighborhood residents to stroll.

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