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Benito Juarez National Park

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About Benito Juarez National Park

The Benito Juarez National Park is inside the Valles Centrales Region of Oaxaca, Mexico, and consists of components of the municipalities of San Felipe Tejalapam and San Andres Huayapan. The southern boundary of the park is about five kilometers north of the City of Oaxaca. The park turned into established in 1937 all through the presidency of General Lazaro Cardenas del Rio, and is named after President Benito Juárez, who become a native of Oaxaca. The park ranges from 1,650 to a few,050 meters above sea level.

The weather is Coastal sub-humid and Temperate sub-humid. The primary rivers that pass the park are the Huayapan and San Felipe rivers. Most in their water is piped to deliver the city of Oaxaca. The park covers 2,737 hectares, consisting of the three,111 meter excessive Cerro San Felipe, a part of the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca. There are pine and o.K.Forests inside the top reaches of the mountain. Lower down there are scrub very well, and tropical deciduous forest within the canyons.

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