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Medici Fortress Trip Packages

Medici Fortress

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About Medici Fortress

Siena's Fortezza Medicea the Medici Fortress at times called the Fort of Saint Barbara is a post worked in the city somewhere in the range of 1561 and 1563 on the requests of Duke Cosimo, a few years before he turned into the principal Grand Duke of Tuscany. The fortification is situated on the northern edge of the focal Siena in the Terzo of Camollia, in the area of San Prospero, and since 1923 has sat above the city's Artemio Franchi/Montepaschi Arena. Development of the post took after the Battle of Marciano which in 1554 denoted the last thrashing of Siena by its long-standing adversary, Florence. It was situated on the site of a past stronghold, known as the Cittadella/Citadel, which had been worked in 1548 on the requests of Emperor Charles V after the city went under the control of Spain, subjected to the specialist of the Spanish envoy, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.

On 26 July 1552, the Sienese ascended against the Spanish, removing them from the city and wrecking the Citadel. Marginally under three years after the fact, on 21 April 1555, after over multiyear under attack by Spanish and Tuscan troops, the city surrendered. The Republic of Siena, upheld by its French partners, kept on opposing the Spanish from Montalcino, however, the city of Siena itself was currently back under Spanish control. After four years, in April 1559, the Peace of Cateau-Cambresis was marked amongst France and Spain. This left the Republic of Siena without partners and prompted add up to surrender. The city fell under the control of Spain's provincial partner, the Florentine Duke Cosimo.

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