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Motherwell Cathedral Trip Packages
Motherwell Cathedral Trip Packages

Motherwell Cathedral

Motherwell, Scotland, Great Britain
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About Motherwell Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of Our Lady of Good Aid, prevalently known as Motherwell Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic house of God situated in Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. It is the seat of the Bishop of Motherwell, and mother church of the Diocese of Motherwell. The Church of Our Lady of Good Aid, Motherwell was opened on Monday 9 December 1900. In 1948, the congregation was raised to the status of house of prayer after the new Motherwell Diocese was raised as a suffragan see by the missional constitution Maxime intrigue.

The Scottish Catholic Directory of 1901 incorporates into the rundown of occasions for the year 1899-1900 the "Opening of the Church of Our Lady of Good Aid, Motherwell" on Monday 9 December 1900, the devour of the Immaculate Conception exchanged from Sunday. It incorporates a portrayal of the congregation's measurements and foremost building highlights. Motherwell Cathedral's organ was remodeled in 2008, and is noted for its size.

It was electronically changed with another reassure introduced. With four manuals it is the biggest organ of any Roman Catholic church in the West of Scotland. The church building organist is John Pitcathely, who played the organ at both of the Papal visits to Scotland. The Motherwell Diocesan Choir sings at a considerable lot of the significant administrations in the house of prayer and furthermore sings at the 5.30 pm vigil Mass on Saturdays. The Motherwell Diocesan Choir, or, in other words the Cathedral Choir, is coordinated by John Pitcathely.

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