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Eichstatt Cathedral Trip Packages

Eichstatt Cathedral

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About Eichstatt Cathedral

Eichstatt Cathedral, well known as the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Willibald and St. Salvator is an 11th century Roman Catholic cathedral within the town of Eichstatt, Bavaria, in Southern Germany. The first Roman Catholic cathedral of Our Lady and Sts. Willibald and Salvator in Eichstatt became constructed in the 8th century. The modern building is 98 metres lengthy. Together with the cloister and the mortuary, the 2-aisled cathedral is regarded as one of the most crucial medieval monuments in Bavaria.

The cathedral has a set of 18 bells, making it one of the church buildings with the most bells in Germany. The bells disbursed among the north and south tower - aren't rung together, however rung in four separate agencies. The oldest bell within the peal is dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus, and dates from the start of the 14th century. The bell named Hallerin became cast by way of Nuremberg grasp Hans Glockengieber in 1540. The Magnificat bell of 1975 is likewise referred to as the Bishop's Bell German.

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