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Queenscliff High Light

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About Queenscliff High Light

The Queenscliff High Light, likewise differently known as the Black Lighthouse, Fort Queenscliff Lighthouse or Shortland Bluff Light, remains in the grounds of Fort Queenscliff in Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia. It is one of three dark beacons on the planet, and the just a single in the Southern Hemisphere. Together with the close-by white Queenscliff Low Light, it was worked in 1862 to supplant the previous sandstone beacon of 1843 on a similar site which was underpowered and deteriorating. The lightsource is found 40 meters above ocean level. Contingent upon the pinnacle's bearing it transmits either a settled light or an occulting signal with an interim of 15 seconds.

The dark beacon is one of four in Queenscliff that are utilized as a main line to control transports through the famously hazardous mouth of Port Phillip Bay. There are a few clashing records of where the basalt for the building originated from. One form expresses that it originated from Scotland as a boats weight. In another form, the stone was quarried in Melbourne and delivered to Queenscliff. The way that the stone was dispatched may have prompted the previous hypothesis' conception. The third form, as indicated by current visit guides, is that the whole beacon was cut in Scotland, transported, and amassed nearby by numbers.

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