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Farfa Abbey

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About Farfa Abbey

Farfa Abbey is a territorial abbey in northern Lazio, primary Italy. It is one of the most famous abbeys of Europe. It belongs to the Benedictine Order and is positioned approximately 60 km from Rome, inside the commune of Fara Sabina, of which it's also a hamlet. A legend inside the 12th century Chronicon Farfense dates the founding of a monastery at Farfa to the time of the Emperors Julian, or Gratian, and attributes the founding to Laurence of Syria, who had come to Rome along with his sister, Susannah, together with different priests, and were made Bishop of Spoleto.

According to the way of life, after being named bishop, he have become enamoured of the monastic lifestyles, and chose a forested hill near the Farfa flow, a tributary of the Tiber, to construct a church and a monastery. Archaeological discoveries in 1888 find robust evidence that the primary monastic status quo became constructed at the ruins of a pagan temple. This first monastery become devastated by way of the Vandals in the 5th century. Only a handful of 6th century finds file the early presence of the monastic community.

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