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Kurukshetra Festival
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About Kurukshetra Festival
Haryana effectively takes an interest in ious fairs and celebrations that happen all finished India. Truth be told, the territory of Haryana itself is home to probably the most bright celebrations of India. The Kurukshetra Festival in Haryana is one such celebration that is praised by both religious and non religious individuals.
Kurukshetra, named after the eminent sage ruler Kuru was additionally the site of the Epic skirmish of the Mahabharata. It was here that was a paramount discussion that occurred between Sri Krishna and Arjuna, which was later composed down in the sacred book of the Hindus, Bhagwad Gita. The Kurukshetra Festival in Haryana happens to stamp the Gita Jayanati, or the day the Bhagwad Gita was born. It is amid this time cap individuals visit the sacred site of Kurukshetra to pick up a profound ordeal.