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Tokat Castle Trip Packages
Tokat Castle Trip Packages

Tokat Castle

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About Tokat Castle

Tokat Castle, is an old fortification with 28 towers based over a rough crest in the focal point of Tokat, Turkey. While its first occupants are obscure, the city's history goes back to 3,000 BC. The Hittites and Persians administered over the region. The soonest known antiques of the mansion go back to the fifth century, and its previously recorded inhabitants were Christian gatherings relocating from Comana Pontica.

The palace was under the control of the Byzantine Empire until its takeover by Danishmend Gazi in 1074 and possible guideline by the Great Seljuq Empire. It experienced remodels in the Seljuq and Ottoman periods. Since it was utilized as a jail for agitators and government chairmen now and again, it was likewise called Cardar-I Bedevi, which means the Wild Arbor. Vlad the Impaler, otherwise called Count Dracula, was one of its prisoners ahead of schedule in the fifteenth century. The stronghold is being re-established and its mystery entry is available to guests.

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