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Ataturk Park Trip Packages
Ataturk Park Trip Packages

Ataturk Park

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About Ataturk Park

Ataturk Park is an open park in Mersin, Turkey. The park is really the fill region of Mersin Harbor digging during the 1950s. During the 1970s, the recreation center was structured by the region as a region for cafes and outside theaters. Up to the 2000s, the recreation center was additionally saved for residential fairs. Yet, after another reasonable ground was built up around 5 km away, the recreation center lost the greater part of its previous exercises. In any case, inside the extent of a recharging venture, the recreation center is currently changing into a culture stop.
The principle outing region is by the ocean side. The novice anglers' club is at the west, by the tying down billet of the angling vessels. A large portion of the recreation center is secured by bloom beds. At the fundamental passageway, there is a landmark called Refah Sehitleri Abidesi, recognizing the passings of the submerged ship Refah amid the World War II. Footstool frigate Erturul, another submerged ship of the late 19th century in Japan is additionally honored by this monument. In 2008, at the north east of the recreation center a 3,160 m² complex of Congress and Exhibition Center has been established.with meeting and execution lobbies, a pool and related administrations.

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