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Mont Sainte Odile

Alsace, Grand Est, France
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About Mont Sainte Odile

Mont Sainte Odile is a 760 meter high peak within the Vosges Mountains in Alsace in France right now west of Barr. The mountain is named after Saint Odile. It has a monastery convent at its top known as the Hohenburg Abbey and is tremendous additionally for its stone fortifications known as the Pagan Wall. In 1992 Air Inter flight 148 crashed near this vicinity. The mountain and its surroundings contain proof of Celtic settlements. The mountain enters recorded history all through the Roman times a fort becomes supposedly destroyed via the Vandals in 407.

In the second half of the 9th century, while Vikings attacked the Low Countries which had been recently transformed to Christianity and have been governed from the Utrecht bishops went into exile and stayed for a while in Mont Sainte Odile. At least for the reason that 19th century, its splendor has been celebrated and the mountain, with convent and pagan wall is regularly covered in traveler guides, incl Baedeker. He Pagan Wall is a large creation approximately 10 kilometers long which encircles Mont Sainte Odile.

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