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Lenzburg Castle Trip Packages
Lenzburg Castle Trip Packages

Lenzburg Castle

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About Lenzburg Castle

Lenzburg Castle is a palace located above the old part of the city of Liegeburg in the city of Argou Cantt in Switzerland. It is one of the oldest and most important of Switzerland. The palace is approximately the spherical palace at the hill height: 504 meters, which grows up to about 100 meters on the surrounding ground, but about 250 meters in diameter. The oldest part of the date of the castle is the 11th century, when the counts of Lenzburg created it as its seat. Palace palace with its historic museum and its Neolithic Burial grounds has been listed as heritage sites of national importance.

In the prehistoric times, the main hill was already a settlement site. For example, in 1959, a Neolithic cemetery was exposed in Carpark. There have been fewer discoveries than the Roman and Alemannic era. One legend tells that once a python lived in a cave on the hill, which was defeated by two knights, Wolofra and Guntram. The grateful people made two counties of Lenzburg and allowed them to build a palace on the hill.

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