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Church of Santo Domingo Trip Packages
Church of Santo Domingo Trip Packages

Church of Santo Domingo

Soria, Castile And Leon, Spain
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About Church of Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo de Soria is a Romanesque-style, Roman Catholic church in Soria, Castile and Leon, Spain. It was worked in the late 12th century over a prior chapel committed to San Tome, in spite of the fact that it was in part remodeled in the next century, including the century transept and choir zone, included the 16th century when a Dominican religious community was established attached to the congregation. It has a veneer with two requests of arcades along the edges of the entrance, which is surmounted by a rose window.

The entrance has an expounded archivolt with Biblical characters and scenes, including the 24 older folks of the Apocalypse, the Massacre of the Innocents, the Youth, the Passion and the demise of Christ. The tympanum has portrayals of the God the dad sitting with the Child, four heavenly attendants with the images of the Evangelists, the prophet Isaiah and the Virgin Mary. The capitals on the supports of the passage highlight scriptural scenes from the Genesis and the life of Christ. The inside is on the Latin cross arrangement with a nave and two passageways, secured by barrel vaults. You can explore and experience this place more.

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