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Yonago Castle

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About Yonago Castle

Yonago Castle was a castle in Yonago, Tottori, Japan. The genuine site sits on a mountain that deliberately investigates Yonago's primary waterway and its association with the ocean. When it was at last finished, the structure was a five-story chateau, and it was the biggest mansion in the San'in zone. In 1467, a fortress was built by Yamana Muneyuki on Mt Iinoyama, only east of where Yonago Castle is directly found.

Nonetheless, the main real chateau was built on the site by Kikkawa Hiroie. In 1591 the manor tumbled to the Kikkawa family. They attempted a noteworthy redevelopment of the stronghold, yet in the long run lost control of the palace, subsequent to battling with the losing side in the skirmish of Battle of Sekigahara. By 1600 the Kikkawa faction were exchanged to Iwakuni, and the Nakamura group were given the lordship of the palace.

In 1601 noteworthy update chips away at the castle were finished, including a 5-layer tower. At that point the stronghold was given to Kato faction, alongside Ikeda group, lastly to a retainer of the Ikeda. The retainer's relatives, the Arao family, kept up the lordship of the stronghold until the Meiji time frame, when it was given over to the legislature. It was disassembled, with a portion of its structures sold off.

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