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Tottori Castle

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About Tottori Castle

Tottori Castle was the Tottori Castle was the central castle of the Tottori han fief in primitive Japan. It was a yamashiro, or "mountain château", incorporated with the mountain itself, utilizing regular obstructions and guards to a more noteworthy degree than man-made dividers. Little survives from the manor beside parts of the stone divider and one entryway, strengthened with iron and including spikes outwardly of the ways to help ensure against aggressors.

Tottori Castle is outstanding for a well known 200-day attack by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1581, when the safeguards, lead by Kikkawa Tsuneie, were famished into accommodation, with certain reports that the stronghold's occupants depended on human flesh consumption.

Following the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and triumph for the devotees of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the stronghold and fief were taken over by Ikeda Nagayoshi, who expanded and fixed the current dividers and structures. After the Meiji Restoration of 1868 Tottori Castle fell into deterioration and now just the stone dividers, a channel, a stone well and a solitary reestablished entryway remain.

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