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Musee des beaux arts de Chambery

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About Musee des beaux arts de Chambery

The Musee des beaux arts de Chambery is an art museum in Chambery, Savoie, France. From this place to begin, the municipality persevered to collect and guard works of artwork. In 1905 it offered the area of Chalmette, the youth home of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In 1911 the Musee Savoisien turned into hooked up within the buildings of the bishop's palace, presented to the city following the law of separation of Church and State. In 1958 some paintings become undertaken by way of the conservator Pierre Amite. The library became relocated in 1992 to make extra space for showing the collections, however the constructing had deteriorated over the years. The municipality decided to renovate the museum, with the paintings finished by way of the begin of 2012. The price was basically blanketed by way of the city with a few investment from the country.

The renovated museum turned into open in March 2012, and formally opened on 23 November 2012. The collections are especially centered on classical Italian painting from the 14th to 18th centuries. They include an first-rate altarpiece of the Trinity via Barolo did Freda, a Sense artist of the fourteenth century. There is also a very good presentation of tendencies in Mannerism, the college of Caravaggio and Baroque.

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