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Maksimir Park Trip Packages
Maksimir Park Trip Packages
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About Maksimir Park

Maksimir Park is the oldest public park in Zagreb, Croatia. It bureaucracy a part of the town's cultural history and is a habitat for many special plant and animal species. Founded in 1787, Maksimir Park changed into the first large public park in South-Eastern Europe, and predates most people of Europe's public park foundings. The park changed into opened in 1794 under the initiative of the person for whom it turned into named, Bishop Maksimilijan Vrhovac of Zagreb 1752 to 1827.

At that point, the park was located at the outskirts of the town, even though today it's far surrounded by most of the town's neighborhoods. It turned into formerly a dense woodland of hornbeams and alright. The remainder of the unique forest survives as a girdle to the park, the place in general measuring above 1,half acres. Although the landscaping become first conceived by means of Bishop Vrhovac within the baroque style, in 1839 Bishop Juraj Haulik 1788 to 1869 and others redesigned the park. Haulik's vision become very a whole lot consistent with Biedermeierist notions, and romantic neoclassicism, with elements from historicism; and in emulation of the park on the Laxenburg property of the Habsburgs.

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