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Dahei Mountain

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About Dahei Mountain

Dahei Mountain is situated in Jinzhou District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province in China. It is 663 meters high above sea level and belongs to the Qianshan Mountains, named after Qian Mountain in Anshan, that extends themselves from the Changbai Mountains. It is the highest mountain in the southern Liaodong Peninsula. Qian Mountains or Qianshan , a part of the Changbai Mountains on the China-North Korea fringe, start from eastern Jilin Province, China, and reach out to eastern and southern Liaoning Province, down to Liaodong Peninsula.
The Changbai Mountains are a noteworthy mountain run in Northeast Asia. The mountains stretch out from the Northeast Chinese provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, across the outskirt among China and North Korea, toward the North Korean provinces of Ryanggang and Chagang. They are also alluded to as the Sanggiyan, Jangbaek, or Ohnan mountains. Most peaks surpass 2,000 meters 6,600 feet in tallness, with the highest being the Paektu Mountain.
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