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Mississagi River Trip Packages

Mississagi River

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About Mississagi River

The Mississagi River is a stream in Algoma and Sudbury Districts, Ontario, Canada, that starts in Sudbury District and streams 266 kilometers 165 mi to Lake Huron at Blind River, Algoma District. The Mississagi River starts in a little anonymous lake in Sudbury District and streams south 8 kilometers 5 mi starting there to the fringe of Algoma District, at that point southeast through a north-east corner of the region, before returning by and by to Sudbury District at White Owl Lake, from which it streams into Mississagi Lake at a height of 457 meters 1,499 ft.

The stream at that point blows some people's minds to Kettle Lake, the farthest point east it comes to, before proceeding with south and entering Mississagi River Provincial Park at Upper Bark Lake at a height of 446 meters 1,463 ft. The waterway at that point proceeds with south and crosses once again into Algoma District, where it stays for whatever is left of its voyage to Lake Huron, and enters the extensive "L"- formed Bark Lake. The Mississagi River at that point streams into Aubrey Lake, halfway framed by the Aubrey Falls Generating Station hydro and dam, and where the Wenebegon Rivers joins. Not all the water is piped into the station, nonetheless; some keeps on shaping the Aubrey Falls.

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