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Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society Trip Packages
Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society Trip Packages

Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society

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About Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society

The Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society find a small exhibition inside the city of Hammerfest in Finnmark, Norway. The significance of the polar endure is this animal is the city's mascot and heraldic crest. For all its remoteness, Hammerfest has a long records as a buying and selling port, and Polar Bear Club units out to commemorate this. In the museum's single room are a selection of mementos of the childhood of Hammerfest, including a profusion of filled animals, early Arctic hunting, traveling and camping system, and a gallery of snap shots, art work, drawings and writings of and from the city's history.

These depict the metropolis because it became in preceding centuries, showing that as far lower back because the seventeenth century, this tiny town become a nexus for travelers and investors inside the far north and a assembly point for the remoted human beings of North Norway, investors sailing up from southern Europe and hunters and traders coming west from the Arctic Ocean and Russia. Founded in 1963 via neighborhood businessmen, the Polar Bear Club isn't specially historic.

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