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Museum of Reconstruction Trip Packages
Museum of Reconstruction Trip Packages

Museum of Reconstruction

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About Museum of Reconstruction

The Museum of Reconstruction for Finn mark and North Troms is a museum within the city of Hammerfest, Norway. As was tons of Northern Norway, the entire town of Hammerfest became razed to the floor with the aid of the taking flight Nazi German army forces on the stop of World War II. The museum commemorates this occasion with a wide variety of presentations, which includes both pix and lots of objects from the town from round that time.

The first a part of the primary series of well-known shows, at the ground floor, depicts the events themselves; the second consists in large part of a series of reconstructions of the town throughout and following its reconstruction. There are houses, offices and different such tableaux, composed typically of genuine items retained from that point, surely showing how shockingly fundamental existence became in the beginning because the city's residents rebuilt their houses and lives, actually and exactly from the ground up.

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