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Acapulco Historical Museum of Fort San Diego

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About Acapulco Historical Museum of Fort San Diego

The Fort of San Diego, previously additionally called the Fort of San Carlos is a celeb fort in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. It become built with the aid of the Spanish Empire, and it changed into one of the most vital Spanish fortifications alongside the Pacific coast. The castle become first built within the seventeenth century, however became completely rebuilt within the 18th century. Today, it's far an essential landmark in Acapulco, and it's miles open to the public as the Acapulco Historic Museum. The Fort of San Diego become constructed by using the Spanish Empire to defend Acapulco from assaults by pirates, because the town was an critical buying and selling port, being the factor of departure for the Manila galleons.

The fortress was first constructed with the aid of Viceroy Diego Fernandez de Cordoba, Marquis of Guadalcazar, and turned into completed in 1617 to designs of the Dutch army engineer Adrián Boot. The fort became significantly damaged in an earthquake in 1776, and it become demolished and rebuilt to designs of Ramon Panon. Construction of the brand new fortress commenced in 1778, and it was completed in 1783. The new castle become given the call Fuerte de San Carlos in honour of the reigning monarch, King Carlos III, however it become still referred to as Fuerte de San Diego via the majority, and the new name subsequently fell out of use.

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