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Jindai Botanical Gardens

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About Jindai Botanical Gardens

The Jindai Botanical Garden is at the edge of the Musashino level simply above Jindaiji Temple in Chofu, Tokyo, Japan. It stretches out crosswise over 425,433 square meters, and every one of its thirty regions highlights assortments of one sort of plant. Presentations of ume, fruits, azalea, dogwood, peonies, roses, wisteria or other can be seen each month. Before the sanctuary underneath there is likewise a wetland attach for sea-going plants, where irises are developed.

The garden has 100,000 trees and bushes speaking to roughly 4,500 assortments, each with a distinguishing name. The recreation center has a plant security program to save jeopardized Japanese species and displays and exercises identified with cultivating to help neighborhood residents. Simply outside the back entryway there is a region where a few plants are sold.

The site of Jindai Botanical Garden was once part of a medieval post said to date from 1537. Later it was a nursery that provided trees for Tokyo's lanes. After the war it was opened to general society as Jindai ryokuchi and in 1961 it was given its present name as it turned into the primary professional flowerbed in Tokyo. An expansive nursery was worked in 1984 holding the accumulation of tropical plants. In one area of the nursery is the lily lake.

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