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Wanarpathy Samsthanam Palace

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About Wanarpathy Samsthanam Palace

Wanaparthy Samsthanam or Raja of Wanaparthy was a vassal of Nizam of Hyderabad. The tradition had a place with Brahmin clan. He controlled the feudatory of Wanaparthy. It was one of the three critical examples, the other two being Gadwal and Jatprole. Wanaparthy Samsthanam follows its history back to fourteenth century after the Kakatiya kingdom declined. The progressive Turkic Muslim lines, who attacked and settled in Deccan, thought that it was perfect for Samsthanam to win. It was encompassed by three other Samsthanam.

The early Rajas kept up an armed force numbering 2000 infantry and 2000 rangers. The time the kingdom fell into the ambit of the ground-breaking Hyderabad State, until the point when Wanaparthy's military were assimilated into the Hyderabad Army as the Bison unit on the requests of Nizam of Hyderabad. The ruler was consigned from officer to the privileged post of Inspector of the Bison brigade. Ensuing to the Hyderabad State's merger with the Indian Union in 1948, all units of the Hyderabad State Forces were disbanded and volunteers ingested into the Indian Army.

These units, casually known as the "Hyderabadis" had, for that time, a novel blended class composition.with the surname 'Janampalli'. Slam Dev Rao was the most youthful child of the Raja of Wanaparthy. He had a more seasoned sister, Janamma, and senior sibling Krishna Dev. The family attaches have spread to the entire of Mahbubnagar locale as Deshmukhs around Jadcherla and adjacent talukas. Raja Rameshwar Rao said that he didn't have much association with his dad – it was a significant formal relationship – and he just answered to him when addressed.

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