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Museum of the Saints    Trip Packages
Museum of the Saints    Trip Packages

Museum of the Saints

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About Museum of the Saints

The Olot Saints Museum opened in 2007 in Olot Girona, and is dedicated to housing objects related to the craft of making non secular imagery. With the aim of broadening its enchantment, it also includes different crafts, famous and conventional subculture, and the lifestyles and work of Marian Vayreda, one of the founders of the primary workshops to make religious figurines within the metropolis, alongside together with his brother Joaquim and Josep Berga i Boix. The workshop turned into called, Arte Cristiano Christian Art.

Maria Vayreda, painter and author, lived on the first ground of the Museum, where he wrote the novel La punyalada The stab, a masterpiece of Catalan literature. Marian Vayreda i Vila 1853-1903 changed into a Carlist soldier and activist, a painter and a Catalan creator. He is identified as key representative of Catalan cultural renaissance of the overdue 19th century. He is especially mentioned for his 1904 novel, La Punyalada, d one of the pleasant Catalan literary works of all time. Politically Vayreda is considered an average case of an identity positioned in-among Carlism and emerging Spain's peripheral nationalisms. The Museum is housed in a 19th century Gothic Revival building called "Arte Cristiano". Construction started in 1890 following the designs of the modernist architect Joaquim Codina i Matali, commissioned by Joaquim Vayreda.

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