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Things To Do in Ceuta

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4 Best Things to do in Ceuta

Monte Hacho


Monte Hacho is a low mountain that disregards the Spanish city of Ceuta, on the north shore of Africa. Monte Hacho is situated on the Mediterranean drift at the Strait of Gibraltar inverse Gibraltar, and alongside the Rock of Gibraltar

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Royal Walls Of Ceuta


The Royal Walls of Ceuta are a line of fortress in Ceuta, a self-sufficient Spanish city in north Africa. The walls date to 962 in its most established part and the most present day parts to the 18th century. They

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Casa De Los Dragones


Casa de los Dragones or House of the Dragons is a vital milestone in the Spanish exclave of Ceuta on the north shore of Africa, and a remarkable case of diverse architecture. The house is on a side of Kings

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Arab Baths


The Arab Baths in Ceuta are medium size medieval open showers on the northern edges of the Medina quarter. This is thought to have been involved since the 11th century. Archeological examinations in 2000 and 2004 have demonstrated that the

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