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Geelong Botanic Gardens Trip Packages
Geelong Botanic Gardens Trip Packages

Geelong Botanic Gardens

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About Geelong Botanic Gardens

The Geelong Botanic Gardens is a botanical lawn in the town of Geelong, Victoria, Australia. The gardens are placed within Eastern Park on the eastern outskirts of the important business district. They were hooked up in 1851 and are the fourth oldest botanic lawn in Australia. The gardens had been first set aside as a public space in 1850, taking over the entire of modern Eastern Park. The botanic gardens were later isolated to a fenced-off place inside the centre of the park.

By the late 1800s centers covered a big wooden fernery, 3 miles of carriage drives, an aviary, monkey house, and a fish hatchery. The first curator of the gardens become Daniel Bunce, who become appointed in 1857. In 1859 a conservatory and greenhouse were erected inside the gardens. John Raddenberry took over the curatorship of the gardens in 1872 after the dying of Bunce the equal yesr. A fernery was opened in October 1885.

It turned into 120 ft long, 60 toes huge and turned into located wherein the George M. Hitchcock Fountain now stands. The fernery became extended in 1886 by way of an octagon 60 feet high, with a pond placed below. A 0.33 segment turned into brought in 1887, taking the entire duration to three hundred toes. By 1920 the ferns had been turning into overgrown, and the fernery become demolished a while after World War II because the timber shape was falling into disrepair.

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