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Sivas Congress and Ethnography Museum Trip Packages
Sivas Congress and Ethnography Museum Trip Packages

Sivas Congress and Ethnography Museum

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About Sivas Congress and Ethnography Museum

Sivas Congress and Etnography Museum is an exhibition hall in Sivas, Turkey. The building was initially a secondary school. It was worked in 1892 by Mehmet Mazlum Bey, the legislative head of Sivas. Between 4 September – 12 September 1919, the building was utilized by Turkish patriots as a middle for readiness of the Turkish War of Independence. After the congress, Mustafa Kemal Pasha and his companions remained in this working until 18 December 1919, when they cleared out for Ankara. Following their flight, the building came back to its previous move as a secondary school. In 1930, the building experienced a remodel. In 1984, upon the guidance of president Kenan Evren, the building was gained by the Ministry of Culture. Following a reclamation period, it was opened as the Museum of Congress in 1990.

The three-story building is a case of Ottoman community engineering of the nineteenth century. The lab, the photograph room and the stock rooms are in the storm cellar. The hoisted ground floor is the ethnography segment, and the upper floor is the Ataturk and Congress segment. In the ethnography segment, one room is saved for weapons. Another room, named Haci Beslen, houses ethnographic things like coins, calligraphy, and works of art, which were given by Turan Turkeroglu. In another room is a gathering of Sivas carpets and a twelfth century wooden mimber from Divrigi manor mosque. Another room named baaoda speaks to the visitor room of the well off Sivas residents of the Ottoman occasions.

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