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Kamado Jigoku

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About Kamado Jigoku

The Kamado Jigoku is one of the Beppu Jigoku journey spots. The name originates from when they utilized the 90 degrees Celsius spring water to cook rice at Kamado Hachimagu celebrations. Contrasted with the other Beppu Jigoku journey spots, there are somewhere in the range of one and six Jigoku spots and guests may utilize every one of them. The first is a hot mud Jigoku with rosy dark colored earth and the second one has the image of the Kamado Jigoku, the evil presence, with 100 degrees Celsius steam rising out from under the stones.

The third one has softening silica and is cobalt blue. Close to the main, second, and third Jigoku, there is spring water that guests can drink and hot steam to heat up their hands and feet, and steam that adds dampness to their skin. The fourth Jigoku is a 80 degrees Celsius hot mud lake, and is darker from the dissolving ground. The fifth one changes from blue to green. It is as yet a riddle why it changes hues. The 6th is like the fourth one, yet with the iron liquefying out, it is a rosy dark colored. Guests may appreciate three kinds of spring-water footbaths in Kamado Jigoku. The cobalt blue footbaths and the sand footbaths are exceptionally special.

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