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Tonogayato Garden

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About Tonogayato Garden

Tonogayato Garden is a traditional Japanese lawn positioned in Kokubunji, Tokyo. Its name comes from the area's vintage name, Tonogayato, Kokubunji village. The lawn covers an area of 21,124 square metres five.2 acres. The garden changed into laid out among 1913-15 in the grounds of a villa constructed for Eguchi Teijo, the Vice-President of the Manchurian Railway, who became a senior director of the Mitsubishi organization. In 1929, the lawn changed into offered by the founding father of Mitsubishi, Iwasaki Yataro, who completed it as a circular style garden with a tea house. It became used as a villa for the Iwasaki Family.

In response to a plan to amplify the region for different uses, nearby residents commenced out a advertising and marketing campaign to hold the garden. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government ultimately bought it in 1974 and opened it to most people in 1979. In 1998, the Tonogayato Garden come to be precise as a Place of Scenic Beauty via using the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The garden is targeted on a pond and uses the natural terrain of the Musashino Plateau thru incorporating the valleys located in the terrace cliffs into its format.

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