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Mrugavani National Park Trip Packages

Mrugavani National Park

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About Mrugavani National Park

Mrugavani National Park is a national park located in Hyderabad, Telangana State. It is situated at Chilkur in Moinabad mandal, 20 km from MGBS and covers an area of 3.6 rectangular kilometres or 1211 acres. It is domestic to a 600 exclusive varieties of plants. The Park is home to around 350 spotted deers. The animals include: indian hare, forest cat, civet, Indian rat snake, Russell's viper, cheetal and the flower pecker. Park is an area of herbal, semi-herbal or planted area set aside for human amusement and recreation or for the safety of wildlife or herbal habitats.

It can also encompass grassy regions, rocks, soil and timber, however may additionally include homes and other artifacts inclusive of monuments, fountains or playground structures. Park layout is encouraged through the supposed reason and target audience, in addition to by way of the available land capabilities. Park intended to offer activity for children may include a playground. A park by and large intended for adults may additionally characteristic strolling paths and ornamental landscaping.

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