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Dongzhai Harbor Trip Packages

Dongzhai Harbor

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About Dongzhai Harbor

Dongzhai Harbor is situated in the upper east of Hainan Province, China. This water body is flanked by Haikou's Meilan District at the west and Wenchang at the east. It contains a couple of towns including Hou Xi Village. The center of the harbor is involved by a promontory stretching out from the west drift. Qu Quay is a town situated on the northeastern shore of this promontory. The town of Puqian is situated at the mouth of the harbor on the east side. Situated inside the harbor is the Dongzhai Port Nature Reserve. Mangroves develop along a great part of the west and south drifts and are home to various flying creature species.
A primary industry is the cultivating of shellfish, which are broadly developed in this shallow harbor. The Puqian Bridge is being built at the mouth of the harbor to interface the regulatory divisions of Haikou at the west and Wenchang at the east. Dongzhai Port Nature Reserve, additionally called the Hainan Dongzhai Bay National Nature Reserve, Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove, and Dongzhai Harbor Mangrove Natural Reserve Area, is situated inside Dongzhai Harbor, in the territory of Yanfeng Town, Meilan District, Haikou, Hainan, China. The mangrove backwoods on the south drift gives a living space to feathered creatures and other wildlife. The Nature Reserve has been set on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Tentative List.
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