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If You Thought Walking To School Was Too Much.. Wait Till You See What These Kids Have To Do

21 May 2020 10:40 AM
If You Thought Walking To School Was Too Much.. Wait Till You See What These Kids Have To Do

Education is the right of every child. But for some, it doesn't come the easy way. There are certain destinations across the world where students still need to work hard to reach schools. Here are some of such scary routes children cross everyday to reach school.

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1. Children at Lebak, Indonesia

Children at Lebak, Indonesia
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Children residing at Sanghiang Tanjung village of Indonesia cross the old bridge built on Ciberang River to go to their school every day. Although there is another alternate route to go to school, but that shall take more than 45 minutes to reach and hence they go through this old bridge without any safety measures. Looking at the bravery of the children and also their willingness to study, the steel giant of Indonesia PT Krakatau Steel along with several NGOs have come up and are planning to build a new bridge for them.

2. Children at Zhang Jiawan Village, China

Children at Zhang Jiawan Village, China
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The children of Zhang Jiawan Village of Southern China climb numerous narrow wooden ladders which are completely unsecure, just to reach the school. These ladders have no security harness. The other route takes 4 hours to reach. Getting education is much necessary than being alive, is the thinking the people here!

3. Children at Zanskar, Indian Himalayas

Children at Zanskar, Indian Himalayas
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Climbing the Himalayas is tough for even some of the experienced mountaineers, these children do it every day just to reach their village school! Often the ice-layers are thin, and there are high chances of these kids falling straight down into the deep frozen water. The icy layers are also very slippery to walk, but the spirit for education is much higher in the children of Zanskar!

4. Children at Cilangkap, Indonesia

Children at Cilangkap, Indonesia
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The bridge over the Ciherang River was the only way out for the children of Cilangkap to go to their school and since early 2013, it has broken down due to the heavy floods so the children are now forced to cross the river by travelling on the bamboo rafts. These bamboo rafts are the narrow boats on which these little souls travel to reach their school.

5. Children of Sumatra, Indonesia

Children of Sumatra, Indonesia
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Children of Sumatra are courageous enough to cross the flowing river at a height of 30 feet just to reach their school. And they do it every day! 20 Batu Busuk village pupils hold the steel wires just to let the children cross the river, often they get injuries and some even faced death! These children not only cross the river but also cross the 7 miles dense forest to reach their school.

6. Children in Colombia

Children in Colombia
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Children at Colombia cross the River Rio Negro with the steel cables which connects both the ends of the valley. The cables are placed 400 m above the river and the children used to zip at a speed of almost 50 miles per hour and cross it in a minute! What they use as a tool, is mere a branch, and often big children use sacks and carry small ones with them who can't hold the cable! Insane!

7. Students of Pili, China

Students of Pili, China
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In the beginning of the term, school official of Pili take 80 school children of the villages to a life-threatening journey of 125 miles on the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. Some of the pathways are so carved that one can hardly stand on it or cross it by sticking the back to the mountain! The danger of falling into the river flowing at 650 ft below is spine-chilling.

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