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Things To Do in Bologna

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15 Best Things to do in Bologna

Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Monte Della Guardia


The longest portico in the world paves the way to the highest point of Monte della Guardia. This forested slope gives a fabulous escape from the city and achieves a height of around 300m. Visitors can discover the slope towards the

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

La Piazzola Market


This historic market has been held in Bologna for a long time and keeps on demonstrating progressively popular with both local people and visitors. Situated in the Piazza dell Agosto which can be found towards the north of the downtown

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Oratory Of Battuti


This little house of prayer arranged inside the congregation of Santa Maria della Vita incorporates an enormous measure of outline and enrichment and is one of the once in a while observed finds in Bologna – Many people essentially ignore

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Santuario Di Madonna Di San Luca


As one of the most established churches in Bologna, the Sanctuary of Madonna was first made in 1194 yet not completed until 1765. This church sits over the Monte della Guardia and offers extraordinary perspectives of the city of Bologna. Overshadowing the

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

St. Stephen Basilica


This historical religious complex is situated in the Piazza Santo Stefano and highlights a few distinct structures including the Church of Saint John the Baptist, The Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the patio of Pilate As you walk through the

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy



Bologna is celebrated internationally for its broad Portico – A Portico is basically a partially enclosed walkway that is fixed with curves and segments. As Bologna developed as a university city, so did the measure of Porticos introduce in the city. It

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

The Leaning Towers Of Bologna


Bologna really has a couple of inclining towers and one is taller than the notable campanile! Bologna really has a heap of towers, however the two tall cases standing in the Piazza di Porta Ravegnana are the most unbelievable. Asinelli and

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Local Dish Of Tortellini


Tortellini is a standout amongst the most well known traditional Italian foods in Bologna and most nearby eateries will serve this tempting dish. Generally, Tortellini ring molded pasta is loaded with different stuffing's, for example, pork, prosciutto and cheddar, and served

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Piazza Maggiore


As the focal square in Bologna, the Piazza Maggiore is found right in the focal point of the city and fills in as a important historical place. This square is stuffed full with important structures including the Pallazo d'Accursio, the Palazzo

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

San Petronio


This enormous structure remains as the tenth biggest church on the planet by volume and presents an overbearing presence in the centre of the Piazza Maggiore. Committed to Saint Petronius who is really the patron saint of Bologna, the church

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy



Recorded as a standout amongst the most important buildings in Bologna, the Archiginnasio was at one time the main buildings of the University of Bologna and now houses the popular Anatomical Theater. This fabulous building was made in the sixteenth

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Torre Prendiparte


As beforehand specified, Bologna was once brimming with tall, narrow stone towers amid the Middle Ages . Only a modest bunch still remain today in their unique shape and design, one of which is the Torre Prendiparte. This specific tower was built

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Bologna, Emilia Romagna, italy

Museo Per La Memoria Di Ustica


A somewhat unpleasant and dismal fascination, yet regardless an imperative piece of the historical backdrop of Bologna. The Museum for the Memory of Ustica is committed to the game changing Ustica Disaster. In 1980 a Douglas DC-9 loaded with 81 travelers that

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