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Yunlong Park

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About Yunlong Park

Yunlong Park is a urban park worked in 1958 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. It was initially a burial ground worked for the Christian and the Buddhist before Chinese Civil War. In 1950s, the city government proposed to build a recreation center in memory of Yunlong Mountain and Yunlong Lake, situated toward the north. It was in the long run sited near the downtown area and designated by the name of Yun Long. The recreation center covers around a territory of 25 hectares, including 8 hectares of surface area. Yun Park picks up a decent design through gaining from Chinese customary greenery enclosures.

The recreation center comprises of 6 sections, including the Bonsai Garden, Zhi chun Isle, the Waterside of Lotus,Galleries of Rockery and Flower, the Parterre and the Amusement Park. One of the most notable sight spot in the recreation center is the Swallow Pavilion, which was at first inherent Tang Dynasty. This old building has been demolished in war and revamped many occasions over its long history. The present one was remade in 1985 close to the first site.

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