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Suncheon, Jeollanam Do, South Korea
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About Songgwangsa

Songgwangsa one of the 3 jewels of Seon Buddhism, is located in South Jeolla Province on Mount Songgwangsan at the Korean Peninsula. Situated about 18 miles away from the ocean, it's far in the Jogyesan Provincial Park. While based in 867, it fell into disuse however turned into re-hooked up in 1190 by way of Seon master Jinul. Jinul's meditation teachings evolved from this monastery and contributed extensively to the Seon exercise that prevails to nowadays in Korea. Songgwangsa is considered the "jewel" of the Korean monastic network. Though smaller in length, it is considered as the greatest most of the trio of Three Jewels

Temples representing “the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha". The other of the trio, Tongdosa and Haeinsa, are located in South Gyeongsang Province. This monastery, although under the jurisdiction of the Jogye Order in Seoul, functions as an independent frame. It controls a network of forty nine small department temples whose abbots are selected from a few of the clergymen of the main monastery and who also revel in a truthful degree of independence as long as they feature as impartial financial devices without depending on the primary monastery.

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