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Things To Do in Amhara

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8 Best Things to do in Amhara

Hiking Up The Scenic Walls


Ethiopia has some really wonderful mountain ranges which are home to excellent national parks. The most famous of them all is the breathtaking Simien Mountain national park in the Simien Mountain range. The trek routes here take you through some

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The Simien Mountain National Park Amhara


Spread around the stunningly scenic Simien Mountain range, Simien Mountain National Park is one of the most important national parks in Ethiopia. It also encircles the highest peak in Ethiopia, Ras Dashan, which is also the fourth highest peak in

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Tisisat Falls Amharic


You can hear the thunder from miles away but it doesn't prepare for the visual spectacle. Tisisat Falls, also called The Blue Nile Falls on the name of the river it is situated on, is one of the most humbling

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